Poor Things presents a unique and unconventional narrative that blends elements of fantasy, dark comedy, and social commentary. Directed b...
Poor Things presents a unique and unconventional narrative that blends elements of fantasy, dark comedy, and social commentary. Directed b...
A daughter uses online dating to find the perfect match for her widowed mother but discovers he has dark intentions with darker consequenc...
Director: Christopher Smith Starring: Jena Malone, Danny Huston, Ian Pirie After the suspicious death of her brother, a priest, Grace goes ...
Dom tells the story of Pedro, a handsome boy from Rio de Janeiro’s middle class who is introduced to cocaine in his teen years, putting him...
Two stories separated by 1400 years. After losing his mother in the midst of a war-torn country, an Iraqi child, learns the importance and...
Whiton University unravels the night a star-athlete is murdered, kicking off a spree of social media slayings that force students to uncov...
Ένας βετεράνος πεζοναύτης θα βρεθεί στο λάθος σημείο και την λάθος στιγμή. Αναγκαστικά θα κρατήσει υπό την προστασία του ένα μικρό αγόρ...
Follows Nicolas Shaw, a retired U.S. special operative who becomes part of an elite "invisible" team that quietly takes out the ...
A surrealist biographical documentary about trailblazing electronic musician and animal rights activist Moby. Director: Rob Gordon Br...