Under the Bridge (2024) - Lily Gladstone


Το Under the Bridge είναι μια αληθινή δραματική μίνι σειρά εγκλήματος που εμβαθύνει στην ανατριχιαστική υπόθεση της δολοφονίας της Reena Virk. 

Η σειρά διασκευάζει το βιβλίο της Rebecca Godfrey, δραματοποιώντας τα γεγονότα που οδήγησαν στο θάνατο της Reena και την επακόλουθη έρευνα που φέρνει στο φως τη συμμετοχή επτά κοριτσιών και ενός αγοριού στη βάναυση πράξη. 

Οι θεατές ταξιδεύουν σε ένα αφηγηματικό ταξίδι μέσα από την οπτική γωνία των προσκείμενων στην υπόθεση, προσφέροντας μια βαθιά ματιά στα κοινωνιολογικά υποκείμενα ρεύματα της εφηβικής βίας.

Under the Bridge” is based on acclaimed author Rebecca Godfrey’s book about the 1997 true story of fourteen-year old Reena Virk (Vritika Gupta) who went to join friends at a party and never returned home. 

Through the eyes of Godfrey (Riley Keough) and a local police officer (Lily Gladstone), the series takes us into the hidden world of the young girls accused of the murder — revealing startling truths about the unlikely killer.

Premiered April 2024 • 1 season • 8 episodes

About Under the Bridge:

Under the Bridge is a true crime drama miniseries that delves into the chilling case of Reena Virk's murder. The series adapts Rebecca Godfrey's book, dramatizing the events leading up to Reena's death and the subsequent investigation that brings to light the involvement of seven girls and one boy in the brutal act. 

Viewers are taken on a narrative journey through the perspective of those close to the case, offering a deep look at the sociological undercurrents of teen violence.

Critics' reviews

"Led by the always spectacular Lily Gladstone, 'Under the Bridge' is a true crime series that takes us behind the headlines to uncover more painful truths" 
Chase Hutchinson: Collider 

"The flaws don’t diminish the heartbreaking nature of the story at its core, but they do make wading through eight episodes of this limited series at times feel like a bridge too far" 
Brian Lowry: CNN 

"Sharp and devastating, with a ’90s hip-hop soundtrack laced throughout, it is an absorbing examination of cruelty, why some people receive empathy over others and how our own biases can prevent us from recognizing the truth" 
Aramide Tinubu: Variety 

"[It] captures the tragedy of homicide in a way very few of its peers have even attempted. It’s a devastating tale (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 4)" 
Cristina Escobar: rogerebert.com 

"Despite some moving performances -particularly from its young cast-, the writing ultimately proves too vague and too muddled in its messaging to shed new light on much of anything." 
Angie Han: The Hollywood Reporter 

"Lily Gladstone and Riley Keough shine" 
Robert Lloyd: Los Angeles Times 

"Thoughtful, empathetic writing and excellent performances make it more than just another dead-girl show" 
Judy Berman: Time 

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