Ο συγγραφέας κάνει μια ευθεία συσχέτιση της μακροζωϊας με το Ikigai! Μην τρελαινεσαι! Το Ikigai είναι το γνωστό Purpose in Life!
Τα μυστικά της Ιαπωνίας για μια μακρά και ευτυχισμένη ζωή
Σημεία του βιβλίου που μας έκαναν κλικ
"Flow is mysterious. It is like a muscle: the more you train it, the more you will flow, and the closer you will be to your ikigai."
"Sooner or later, we all have to face difficult moments, and the way we do this can make a huge difference to our quality of life. Proper training for our mind, body, and emotional resilience is essential for confronting life’s ups and downs."
"Since their inception, one of the objectives of both Buddhism and Stoicism has been to control pleasure, emotions, and desires. Though the philosophies are very different, both aim to curb our ego and control our negative emotions."
"Worrying about things that are beyond our control accomplishes nothing. We should have a clear sense of what we can change and what we can’t, which in turn will allow us to resist giving in to negative emotions."
The Seven Conditions for Achieving Flow
1. Knowing what to do
2. Knowing how to do it
3. Knowing how well you are doing
4. Knowing where to go (where navigation is involved)
5. Perceiving significant challenges
6. Perceiving significant skills
7. Being free from distractions
They’ve learned to take pleasure in their work, to lose their sense of time.
What do the activities that drive you to flow have in common?
Why do those activities drive you to flow?
Ikigai: The art of living
Our ikigai is different for all of us, but one thing we have in common is that we are all searching for meaning.
Table of Contents
Prologue Ikigai: A mysterious word
I. Ikigai: The art of staying young while growing old
II. Antiaging Secrets: Little things that add up to a long and happy life
III. From Logotherapy to Ikigai: How to live longer and better by finding your purpose
IV. Find Flow in Everything You Do: How to turn work and free time into spaces for growth
V. Masters of Longevity: Words of wisdom from the longest-living people in the world
VI. Lessons from Japan’s Centenarians: Traditions and proverbs for happiness and longevity
VII. The Ikigai Diet: What the world’s longest-living people eat and drink
VIII. Gentle Movements, Longer Life: Exercises from the East that promote health and longevity
IX. Resilience and Wabi-Sabi: How to face life’s challenges without letting stress and worry age you
Epilogue Ikigai: The art of living
Πολλά τα θέματα με τα οποία ασχολείται το βιβλιο.
Τελειώνοντάς το σου αφήνει την αίσθηση ότι κάτι παραπάνω ήθελε να πει ο συγγραφέας, αλλά δεν τα κατάφερε.
Αν το διαβάσεις σίγουρα θα αναζητήσεις περισσότερη γνώση
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