Πως να θυμάσαι ότι διαβάζεις

Μην κρατάς σημειώσεις κατά τη διάρκεια μιας διάλεξης 

Κράτησε σημειώσεις στη συνέχεια γιατί αυτό που κάνει είναι να σε αναγκάζει να εξασκήσεις τη μνήμη σου

 Ένας λόγος που πολλοί άνθρωποι δεν διαβάζουν πολύ είναι ότι δεν διαβάζουν καλά. Για αυτούς, είναι αργή, σκληρή δουλειά και δεν θυμούνται όσο θα έπρεπε. 

Οι μαθητές, για παράδειγμα, μπορεί να χρειαστεί να διαβάσουν κάτι αρκετές φορές πριν καταλάβουν και θυμηθούν τι διάβασαν. Γιατί;....

Δες το βίντεο και μάθε πως να διαβάζεις

Don't take notes during a lecture

Take notes afterwards because what that does is force you to practice remembering

One reason that many people don’t read much is that they don’t read well. For them, it is slow, hard work and they don’t remember as much as they should. Students, for example,may have to read something several times before they understand and remember what they read.

Why?....Jordan Peterson - How to Remember Everything You Read

Psychology professor Jordan Peterson has become a controversial figure ever since speaking out against Bill C-16 (2016), a law that adds gender expression and gender identity to the Canadian Human Rights Act. 

He has received both praise and criticism after the publication of his self-help book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (2018). His fans are thankful for the advice he’s given them to take responsibility for their lives. Peterson has become an important inspiration for various men’s groups, an influential voice.

Jordan Peterson gives an EXTREMELY POWERFUL motivational speech on becoming unstoppable in life, showing you the steps we need to take in order to achieve your true potential. If you enjoyed the wonderful life advice, be sure to support Jordan Peterson himself and purchase his latest book, it's a great read! 

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